Be careful to avoid WAHM scams

Be careful to avoid WAHM scams

Be careful to avoid WAHM scams before you take the too good to resist the bait, and run with it to the next attractive offer, that may soon arrive on the shores of the worldwide waters of the internet.

If you really want to work at home, you might be tempted by the many ads online and even in newspapers, that promise easy work and good money.

It’s hard not to be tempted by these ads and promises. But there are many scams out there, and they can strip you of money, reputation and, at the very least, your confidence.

Be careful to avoid WAHM scams

The most common scam.

Yes, this one is still around. You might remember seeing these ads in newspapers years ago, promising “easy money!” for stuffing envelopes. The ads are generally targeted to moms at home, students and retired people. It’s easy to get sucked into the idea that you can make money by stuffing envelopes for businesses, but in reality, you don’t.

You are asked to send money (usually $29.99) and in return, you will get a list if of businesses you might contact to try and get their envelope stuffing business. The reality is that few if any, companies hire people to stuff their envelopes. And these days, with more and more people relying on online methods to contact potential customers and clients, they need this service even less.

Sometimes people who pay the money will be given information on how to advertise in newspapers and online for people to start an envelope stuffing business. You make $29.99 off these poor people as they contact you for more information.

If you see this offer, or it’s sent to you directly, it’s best to ignore it, no matter how tempting.

Be careful to avoid WAHM scams – How to spot a scam

It’s not easy to spot a scam. If you are desperate to work at home and looking for something that’s already set up for you (in that you don’t have to actually start your own business), you might be tempted by these offers to work at home.

There are several criteria to help you determine if you are dealing with unscrupulous people who are trying to scam you.

First, if an offer promises big pay for easy work, it might be a scam. The reality is that few people can get paid big dollars for easy work and little work. Big pay usually is a reward for big work, so while it might be tempting to think that you can get paid big dollars for little work, you have to objectively consider the possibilities there.

Be careful to avoid WAHM scams that ask you to pay for the work that you do.

Any offer that promises you a lot of work for a fee is likely not on the up and up. You shouldn’t have to pay to work. You shouldn’t have to pay for a job. Of course, some businesses (like businesses where you sell products as a consultant for a company) will require a small up-front investment. In that case, however, you are investing in your own business, not the business of others. You are investing to get the products you need to run your business and that is decidedly different than paying to get a job.

Ask questions. If you get vague answers, or your questions are ignored completely, that should set off a few warning bells with you. You should be able to dig up a street address for the company, the names of the relevant players in the company and you should be able to check the company’s history with the Better Business Bureau and other such agencies.

Don’t sign up for a job or to work with a company without talking to someone on the phone or person. Don’t settle for the information available on a website in the FAQs. Instead, make sure you can make contact with someone you can talk to one-on-one (not in an email). If you can’t do that, you might want to look elsewhere.

If you do need to make an investment in product or materials (not for the job itself) use your credit card. Don’t write a check or use a debit card because those will be harder to get protection with. If you use a credit card, you get protection from the credit card company if things go wrong.

Do your research and understand the various risks and rewards of the company you are considering there are many bad deals out there and many scams, but if you do your research, you should be able to find the right opportunity for you.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Be careful to avoid WAHM scams article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Buying a mountain bike

Buying A Mountain Bike

Buying a mountain bike is a great idea, why?  Because a bike cycle is everything that you could possible put together into a single man made unit and also be so practical and healthy in every sense of the word for the user.    Bike riding is 100 % natural way to get going on the road towards a healthy life style.  Every computer worker and user needs a dynamic physical expression to unwind and de-stress.   For starters riding a mountain bike should and most likely will take you outdoors to a natural environment, where there are hills covered with trees, creeks and rivers to cross, winding tracks to climb up and long down hill runs to coaster on down. It is all about experiencing life, a real spiritual life that includes the mind, the physical body, the spirit of the soul and all of the emotions. Nothing could come in such a neat package to get you on the road to recovery towards a more healthy life style.  There are at least four things in life that can take away good health: 1. Over working . 2. Too much time indoors. 3. Lack of physical exercise. 4.Over eating fro comfort.    All that can be changed  in mater of weeks, by choosing to take action and doing it day by day, 5 days per week, and seeing the real physical health level changes take place within weeks.  There is nothing that can stop physical health improvements taking place, when there is a lifestyle that support the desired personal end goals. That is the basics of cause and effect, be physically active, eat well, and respect healthy living and the rest will take care of it’s self in time.  Bike cycle riding especially mountain bike riding is a sure ticket towards being more active physically.

It can be a bit frustrating as well as time consuming
when planning to buy a mountain bike. Below, you’ll find
some tips and things to be aware of before you lay
down the cash and buy a mountain bike.

Buying a mountain bike and determining your price.

There is really no limit as to how much money you can
spend on a new mountain bike. To help you keep your
spending under control, you should figure out what
your price range is and how much your willing to pay
for a new bike. When you buy, you shouldn’t buy from
mass merchant stores such as Wal-Mart. You should
instead support your local bike shop and get a much
better bike and much better service.

Buying A Mountain Bike
Diamondback Bicycles Women’s 2016 Lux Sport Hard Tail

Finding your style
All mountain bikes are designed with several different
riding styles and terrain types in mind. You’ll need
to figure out what type of riding you will be doing
the most. Smooth riding, cross country racing,
mountain cruising, or lift accessed downhill is
something you need to figure out. Make sure that
the bike you select fits your personal style and not
that of the sale’s staff.

Full suspension or hard tail
If you can afford it, a full suspension mountain
bike is always worth the purchase. A hard tail,
without rear suspension, is much lighter weight
and pedal more efficiently, although full suspensions
offer more comfort and overall better control. You’ll
want to make that decision based on your price range,
riding style, and the type of terrain you’ll be
riding on the most.

Finding your favorites
Comparing mountain bikes component to component is
nearly impossible, as there are far too many combinations
available. The best way to go about doing this is
finding a few components that are the most important
to you and making sure the rest or the minimums fall
within your price range. You can start with the fork
then look at the wheels and rear derailleur.

Sales and seasons
During the year, the prices of mountain bikes can
fluctuate quite a bit. Spring through summer is the
main buying season. If you can wait until the right
price pops up, normally in the fall and winter, you can
save a couple hundred dollars. Many bike shops will
also offer discounts or other accessories if you buy
from them.

Finding a good dealer
Finding a good bike dealer is more important than finding
the best price. You should always find a dealer that
cares more about selling you a great bike than selling you
a high priced one. A great dealer will have a clean repair
shop and give you the impression that you can really
trust them.

Test ride
You should test ride as many bikes as you can within
your price range and riding style. You’ll find that
some bikes will feel right, while others won’t. The more
bikes you can test drive, you better you’ll understand
what works and what doesn’t.

Doing the research
Product reviews and bike reviews are some of the best
ways to find out about a mountain bikes reliability and
overall performance. You should always look at what
other owners and reviews think about a bike before you
make that final purchase.

Buying a mountain bike online?

It is possible if you know what you are doing, You can ask someone who knows about bike sizes that would suit your size. Secondly you may have already a bike that is the right size, then it is just a matter of choosing a bike that is the same size. Thirdly you may visit a bike shop and sit on bikes, and see what feels good for you. Ask questions about the bike and if it matches the location where you intend to ride. Are there enough gears to climb the hills and the mountain trials?   Also the frame length, seat height, and whether you should have a bike with front suspension or rear suspension, or both. It just is a matter of inquiry, thinking of the scenarios where you intend to ride, and asking questions that match the reality of the situation.

The benefits of buying  a mountain bike online is that the decision can be made on demand, instant order online,and the rest of the story is handled by the online services.  Taking action is often the key to seeing changes take place in life.

Thank you for visiting and reading this Information on Buying A Mountain Bike article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

SEO in Internet Marketing

SEO in Internet Marketing

SEO in Internet Marketing has been an online game-changer since the year 2008.  SEO in Internet Marketing has many layers, there is the obvious on the surface skin layer and many other invisible layers from there on down.  Most people that learn SEO comes in small bits and pieces, there is the initial information of the SEO concept,  highlighted with graphic examples of how and where it affects the website visibility performance online. However, there is much much more, and that is how to implement the much-needed twigs and corrections on website content so that it is in line with the robotic artificial intelligence of the search engines.

SEO in Internet Marketing
Conceptual image about internet and information technology with website search engine traffic flashing by on a laptop computer screen

SEO in Internet Marketing with DIY SEO Academy membership.

Click the link below to subscribe to a DIY SEO Academy.


If you are already running an Internet marketing campaign or are about to embark on an Internet marketing campaign, one concept you cannot afford to skimp on is search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is one of the most popular buzz words in Internet marketing but unfortunately, most Internet marketers simply do not know enough about SEO to make this strategy work for them. Even those who are knowledgeable about SEO may have difficulty executing their SEO strategies to produce the desired effect.

SEO in Internet Marketing and how to reach out to the customers

Advertising is a very important part of running any type of business. You need to advertise to reach new customers and market your products or services. Whether you run your business online or not you probably already realize how important it is to advertise but if you are running your business online you should understand there is a great deal of free advertising available in the form of optimal search engine rankings.

SEO in Internet Marketing needs to be inline with Search Engines and artificial intelligence robots

Well, known search engines such as Google rank websites according to complex algorithms which are designed to determine which websites are most relevant for particular search terms. Therefore taking the time and effort to optimize your website for relevant search terms may result in you being rewarded with high search engine rankings for these terms. This is important because most Internet users rely heavily on these rankings. It is not uncommon for Internet users to only review the first few results when they search for a particular term. This means if your website ranks high enough to appear on the first page of the search results you will likely enjoy increased website traffic. However, if your website doesn’t make it to the first page or even the second page, it is unlikely you will receive a great deal of website traffic from visitors who use search engines.

Now that you understand why search engine rankings are so important you might wonder how to achieve these rankings.

There are several options on how to get your web site optimized for internet traffic.  One way is to hire an SEO specialist to do the work for you. The world of SEO is complex and continually evolving making it difficult for most business owners who do not specialize in SEO to keep up with the changes in the industry.

Therefore, business owners who attempt to optimize their website by themselves, without special training learning materials or tutorials, most likely will have difficulty keeping up with competitors who hire an SEO consultant to optimize their website.

The algorithms used by search engines can be rather complex and include a number of different factors. Some of the common factors in the equation include keyword density, META tags, titles, inbound links, website traffic, and content.

SEO in Internet Marketing and the use of keywords

Keyword density refers to the number of times a particular keyword is used in the content of your website. The theory behind this concept is that website which uses a keyword often are likely extremely relevant to that keyword, however, overuse of that keyword may result in penalties to the website if the search engine deemed the keywords are not being used appropriately.

SEO in Internet Marketing and META tags

META tags are pieces of HTML code which some search engines use in evaluating the content of a website. Placing keywords in these tags can be beneficial in some search engines. However, care should be taken to avoid placing irrelevant keywords in these tags as this may result in your website being penalized.

Inbound links. 

Inbound links are also used by some search engines to rank websites. Inbound links refer to links on other websites which point to your website. In evaluating the worth of these inbound links, some search engines consider the rank of the website providing the link to your website. This means you should ensure the website providing inbound links to your website are high ranking websites to receive the most benefit from these links.

Finally, the content on your website can do a great deal to bolster your search engine rankings. Most SEO firms retain a staff of writers who are skilled at providing quality content which is also optimized for relevant keywords. If you hire an SEO firm who does not provide copy writing services you should invest in hiring a professional writer yourself. This will help to ensure the copy on your website is not only valuable to your visitors but also considered valuable to search engines.

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When Your Child Will Not Follow Your Rules

When your child will not follow your rules

When your child will not follow your rules ? maybe your child is a strong willed child, that want’s to have it his/her own way.  Strong willed children are not a new invention, they are as old as the hills. You may want get resources from professional people such as Dr. Dobson books on strong willed children, and how to deal with their strong will.

Are you the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet? If you are, you likely have internet safety rules already in place. If you do, how well is your child at following them?

Internet Safety: What to do when your child will not follow your rules
Mother with two daughters, all of the flour with the dough.

When your child will not follow your rules,even  when it is being offered in the best wisdom of the parents understanding.

When it comes to internet safety rules that you have set in place, it is important that your child follows them. Why? Because their health and safety is, literally, at risk. Not following your internet safety rules should be treated differently than a child who doesn’t clean their room. The situation is much more serious. If your child doesn’t follow the rules that you have set concerning internet use, they may unintentionally find themselves a target of a child predator.

What you will want to do is re-talk to your child. Be sure that they are clear on your rules. For example, if your child is allowed to use social networking websites, what are they not allowed to have posted on their profile? Do you not want them to have personal information or personal pictures or videos shown? Restate all rules that you have for your child and instruct them to start following them right away.

If your child still isn’t following your internet safety rules all of the way, you will want to give them one final warning.

Let them know that there are serious consequences to their actions. However, there is one important exception to this step. If you suspect that your child is communicating with strangers online, like those who may be sexual predators, bypass the final warnings, as your child may already be in over their head.

As for what steps you should take next, you can ban your child from using the internet.

This is the strictest form of punishment and likely the one that will send the clearest message. If your child must use the internet for school, like for a school research project, only let them do so when you are sitting right next to them. You can also make them do their research at their local library. This is a great way to make your child understand the importance and consequences of not following rules.

Internet Safety: What to do when your child will not follow your rules ? Easy, limit the use of the internet.

Another approach that you can take is to block the websites that you want to keep your child away from. For example, if you asked your child or teenager not to post personal pictures or videos of themselves online, but they still continue to do so, block the social networking websites that they use. If you have Internet Explorer, this is easy to do. First, open a new internet window. Then, from the dropdown menu select “Tools,” and then “Internet Options,” and then click on the “Content Tab.” Finally, under the heading of “Approved Sites,” you can also enter in the websites you want blocked.

Parental guidance.

You may also want to let your child use the computer when you are home or in the room. If they have their own computer, make them relocate it into a well traveled area, such as your living room. Speaking of which, if your child uses a family computer, you should always make sure that it is in an area where you can easily see what your child is doing online. This is a nice approach, as your child is still able to use the internet, but you are able to keep a close eye on them, making sure that they are following your rules.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Internet Safety: What to do when your child will not follow your rules article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child

Internet safety tools that can protect your child

Internet safety tools that can protect your child is the first step in ensuring safe use o f the internet, there are many programs that keep the computer safe from viruses, and malware. Understanding how to keep the home computer safe is vitally essential, it is the first step in setting up a home computer.  The knowledge of safe computer use can be attained from a computer course on that specific topic, there are many programs and resources available in 2016.

Internet safety tools that can protect your child
Education – Pupils at primary or elementary school doing their homework or having a school test

If you are the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet, do you take steps to protect them? If not, you will want to start right away. Although the internet can be neat for your child, it is important to remember that there are dangers that lurk online.

Since there are dangers that lurk online, such as the potential for meeting an online predator and the potential of being harassed online, you may be curious as to how you can protect your child. Of course, you will want to discuss internet safety with your child and you will also want to set rules for your child to follow, but did you also know that you have other options? One of those options is internet safety tools.

Internet safety tools that can protect your child online activities.

What is nice about internet safety tools that are designed for parents is that you have so many options. Typically, you will find that most of these tools fall under the heading of parental controls. For information on ways that you can protect your child with the use of internet safety tools, please continue reading on.

The ability to rate websites and set levels for what you want your child to view online is an option that you have. This often is featured in the safety tools that are provided by Internet Explorer, as well as other similar internet browsers. What you do is decide what type of content your want your child to view. Would you like to keep your child away from internet websites that use crude or violent language? If you do, set your website level ratings to say so and the websites should automatically be blocked.

Internet safety tools that can protect your child from visiting unethical websites.

In addition to blocking websites through the use of website rating tools, you also have the ability to outright block websites. This is another option that Internet Explorer gives you. For example, if you would like to block social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook, all you need to do is enter in the website address and hit the block option. Internet Explorer also gives you the option to let a list of approved websites.

Keyword trackers can also be used; however, there are some individuals, including other parents, who consider them to be an invasion of privacy. That is why it is important for you to use your best judgment and make the decision as a parent. Keyword trackers work by recording each word that is typed by your child. Many parents find keyword tracker programs a great way to catch their child if they think that they are communicating with someone older or a sexual predator online. Keyword tracker programs are a nice option to have, but they do need to be purchased, as they aren’t free like many other parental controls.

There are also internet safety tool programs out there that work to keep your personal information safe. This is a great way to make sure that your child doesn’t share personal information about themselves with strangers online. Although these programs do vary, you can usually enter in information that you want to prevent your child from sharing online, like your phone number, email address, or home address. The program, if it works properly, should catch the information before it is sent.

As you can see, you have a number of different options when looking to use parental controls to keep your child safe when they use the internet. Additional online safety tools can easily be found with a standard internet search.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Internet safety tools that can protect your child article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Children posting pictures videos online

Children posting pictures videos online

Children posting pictures videos online is a reality, it is just too easy in today’s world for children to communicate with each other that way.  Should you let your child post pictures and videos online without adult supervision, is a very important question that requires  responsible guidance from parents. It is about the parent and the child relationship quality, how close are the parents with their children, how honest and transparent are the children with their parents?

Are you the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet, namely social networking websites like MySpace? If you are, your child may be interested in posting pictures or videos of themselves online, if they haven’t already done so. Should you let them?

When it comes to determining if you should let your child post personal pictures and videos of themselves online, you, as the parent, should have the final say. With that said, it is first important to examine the pros and cons of letting your child post these items online. Pictures and videos are common on social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook.

In all honesty, the only true pro or plus side to letting your child post videos or pictures of themselves online is because it is what your child wants to do. Letting them post their pictures and videos online will likely make your child happy. They can easily share videos and pictures with friends, as opposed to actually bringing them to school.

As much as your child or teenager may want to post personal pictures or videos of themselves online, it is also important to know that there are many cons or downsides to doing so. One of those is the wrong impression. Say you have a teenager daughter who posts a picture of herself wearing a low-cut shirt online. Even though no cleavage is showing, the picture can create the wrong impression. Sexual online predators may think she is welcoming attention, and so forth. You and your child need to know that not everyone interprets things the same way.

Speaking of the wrong impression, it is important to know that pictures and videos can easily fall into the wrong hands online. If your child is using a social networking website, like MySpace, is their profile set to private? If not, anyone with their own account can view their private and personal pictures and videos. Your child may be interested posting pictures and videos to share with their friends, but that doesn’t meant that others can’t see them. Unfortunately, those others can have impure intentions.

Another con or downside to letting your child post personal pictures and videos of themselves online is that they are easy to copy. Yes, a picture or a video can be taken down, but did you know that it may already be too late? People can easily copy and repost or copy and save videos and pictures that are posted online for whatever reason, including their own personal pleasure.

As you can see, there are a number of pros and cons to letting your child post pictures and videos of themselves online, namely on social networking websites. As the parent, the decision is yours to make, but be sure to use your best judgment. When it doubt, the best answer may be no.

If you do decide to let your child or teenager post personal pictures and videos of themselves online or if you already think that they do, be sure to check them. Ask to see the photos yourself. Make sure that your child is well covered in any photographs that they post. As for videos, make sure they aren’t doing anything illegal, like stealing, or showing anything suggestive, even if it is simply meant as an inside joke among friends.

A typical WAHM day structure

A typical WAHM day structure

A typical WAHM day structure is something like the example presented in this article on how a  WAHM person structures her day. Wondering how a successful WAHM might organize her day? While each mom’s experience might be different, we can provide a simple profile to give you an idea of how you can be productive even with kids underfoot and meals to cook, errands to run and the like.

A typical WAHM day structure
Assortment of exotic fruits in metal basket and berries isolated on white

A typical WAHM day structure on average.

So, let’s look at Elise’s story.

Elise runs a website design business from home. She doesn’t have a separate office, but rather she works out of the family’s front room, sometimes welcoming clients there but usually working through email and the telephone. She has a husband who works full-time and 2 children – 7-year-old Ethan and 3-year-old Sasha.

A typical WAHM day structure for Elise.

Here’s how Elise might structure her day, as she tries to get time in for herself, for the household, and for the kids, all while she works a full day in her business.

Elise gets up early in the morning and tends to emails and work she can do quickly before getting the kids up. Before they head to school, she showers, makes beds, makes them breakfast and lunches, and starts the laundry. Later in the morning, she will take a break from work and start dinner in the slow cooker.

After the kids are at school, Elise works several hours without interruption before taking a quick break for lunch, which she packed the night before for herself. She also goes for a quick jog before heading to pick up Sasha at preschool.

In the afternoon, Elise reads to Sasha and plays a quick game with her before giving her “quiet time” which is when Sasha – who gave up naps long ago – plays quietly while Elise works. During this time, Elise also rotates laundry and pays a bill or two. Mostly, she’s working on client projects.

Right before telling Sasha her quiet time is over, Elise makes a quick work-related phone call. When Sasha’s is quiet time is over, she and Elise head over to school to pick up Ethan. Before heading home the three take time out to enjoy the park that’s adjacent to school.

In the afternoon, the kids want to play outside, so Elise takes a laptop outside and works remotely while the kids play and she keeps an eye on them.

When Elise’s husband comes home, she takes a quick break and makes salad and slices some bread to go with dinner. While he plays with the children before dinner, she finishes up her work day and makes a list of things to tackle first thing the next morning.

There are a few elements of Elise’s day that are worth noting.

First, she plans the evening before for the next day. She makes a quick list of what she needs to tackle first so when she gets up in the morning and she’s groggy and not thinking clearly, she is ready to hit the ground running. She doesn’t need to waste time figuring it out. As part of her evening routine, she also makes sure she has packed a lunch for herself, so she doesn’t waste time making lunch the next day, and she plans and packs the kids’ lunches and snacks. She also knows what will be for dinner the next day and she’s prepared to deal with it when the time comes.

Second, Elise makes time in the day for herself, answering quick personal emails and taking a jog. But she is focused on work and she doesn’t waste time with watching a soap opera on TV or texting friends.

Finally, Elise manages to take time for her kids as much as possible. No matter how busy she is, she tries to remind herself why she is at home in the first place and that’s to be available to her family and children.

Elise’s daily experience won’t be yours, obviously, but much can be learned from her good habits.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on A typical WAHM day structures article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Find your passion, find your WAHM job

Find your passion, find your WAHM job

Find your passion, find your WAHM job if you have ever heard the expression, “do what you love and the money will follow” then you understand the basic concept of finding a passion for your WAHM business. You might spend a good deal of time working your WAHM business, so it’s important that it’s something you feel passionate about.

Find your passion, find your WAHM job
Lonely girl with suitcase at country road dreaming about travel.

How can you find your passion?

Think about the things in life that bring you great joy. Is it your kids? Your crafting? Your cooking? What do you enjoy doing the most? When you get a small pocket of time that’s not scheduled with other activities, what do you choose to do?

Also think about the things you enjoyed doing before you were a mom. The things you did on the weekends when you had time. What did you do? What brings you joy? You might even mentally wander back to the first job you had when you were truly happy.

Your answers to the questions give you a sense of what your passions are. Then think about how you can turn these in WAHM businesses.

Turn that passion into a business

If you are an excellent cook, you might turn your passion for cooking into a personal chef business, a catering business, a business that supplies muffins and treats for offices, or even a menu planner (where you provide other moms with pre-planned menus that they simply follow each week when cooking for their own families).

Let’s say you adore children, yours and others. You can’t get enough of them and enjoy each moment you spend with children. It’s not your desire to “get away” from them to work, but to include them as much as possible. In that case, your WAHM business might center on children in some fashion. You might tutor kids, or open a home daycare.

If you are a crafter, you can turn that passion into a business of many different sorts. You might make your crafts and sell them at craft shows, or on or even on eBay. Some women have trunk shows in their home where they sell their wares. This works especially well if you are selling fashion accessories or jewelry that you make.

What if you don’t have a passion?

You might think about the things you like doing and realize that those things don’t translate well into a business. What then? Then it’s time to reexamine the things you like to do. That is, you might find that your passions do lend themselves well to a WAHM business.

Find your passion, find your WAHM job watching TV.

Are you passionate about watching television? If so, you can turn that passion into a blog that might get a good number of readers. You might find a job reviewing your favorite shows for a funny or irreverent site.

There are sites that pay for book reviews; if you are a passionate reader, you might write book reviews that net you some pay. You can also set up a blog that is written for passionate bloggers. Learn how to market it and you could have a nice little income for yourself from that blog.

Find your passion, find your WAHM job and healthy lifestyle..

If you are passionate about fitness, you might find a WAHM job as a personal trainer, providing you have adequate equipment and space at your home. You might also find a niche for yourself as a personal fitness motivator, providing customers with detailed and customized fitness plans and motivation.

Finding a business that is rooted in your passion isn’t hard once you examine your basic skill sets and combine that with your passion. You’re sure to do well when you start with the things you love doing.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Find your passion, find your WAHM job article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends, thanks.

Start an at-home call center business

Start an at-home call center business

Start an at-home call center business with just a few small investments in training and equipment, you can start an at-home inbound call business and create a work schedule that’s flexible and sometimes lucrative.

Start an at-home call center business with a bright idea.

Many WAHMs find that inbound calling is a great business to start at home. Though you won’t have your own business, but will work other companies, you can control much about your work environment.

Start an at-home call center business
Sunsets over the horizon

What is inbound calling?

First, let’s understand our terms. Inbound calling refers to calls that you answer for companies. Usually it’s to take orders, but it can also be to perform certain customer service tasks.

There are many companies (like FedEx, and HSN, to name a few) that contract with other companies to do inbound calling. You are hired by the company that has a contract with, say, FedEx, as an independent contractor. Usually there will be tests, trials and others criteria to determine if you are the right fit for the company.

Most often, you can choose the hours you work, though some companies might require a set schedule from you. When you are “at work”, you will answer calls for the company, routing them to the appropriate place, or taking orders (you will be logged into a site that allows you to input the order) or performing customer service tasks like allowing people to pay on a bill, or change an address, or ask questions about items.

How can you do this at home?

Once you decide that inbound calling is for you, you have to take several steps. First, apply with companies that contract to do this kind of work. As you go through the application process, you will find that each company has different requirements for you. Some might ask you to incorporate your business, which is an investment on your part. Others will let you operate as an independent contractor.

There will be requirements for equipment. For example, you will be required to have high-speed internet access and most likely a wireless headset along with a landline phone (not a cordless phone). Some might require – or suggest – that you have a dedicated phone line.

As you work through the application process, you might be given written tests on the particular company you will work for, and you will also likely be given verbal tests, where someone will call you and act like a customer. They will be able to judge how well you would do in a real situation.

Don’t assume that you must have inbound calling experience to do this at home. Although if you have done this in the workplace before you might have a better chance of getting the job, people who have no experience at this also manage to get hired. If you can find your way around the internet, and can talk articulately and clearly, you can do this job.

Is inbound calling right for you?

If you are a mom who works at home, you might think that taking calls is dangerous. The kids might be noisy, or you might have little time to work when the kids aren’t around.

Most moms who work at home doing inbound calling will purchase a noise-cancelling headset. This ensures that no matter what noisy activity is swirling around you, it won’t be heard through your headset. Although you can work during the day when the kids are home, you can also schedule yourself to work on weekends or at night when the kids can be otherwise occupied.

Although there can be an investment up front for those looking to do inbound calling from home, doing this kind of work can be interesting, lucrative and is great for the social mom who wants to work at home but doesn’t want to give up talking to other adults.

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What is a WAHM job

What is a WAHM job ?

What is a WAHM job ? , glad you asked.  WAHM is Work At Home Mums entrepreneur spirit incentive to create work at home. If you currently work at home or seek to become a work at home mom (WAHM), you might want the support and camaraderie of other moms who work at home. There is plenty of this online.

What is WAHM job in redal life?

Once you begin working at home, visiting these sites isn’t just away to drum up more business (or get ideas for your next business venture) but also to connect with other moms in a “water cooer” type fashion. If you previously worked in an office or somewhere other than home, you might have liked the social element of working outside of home. You can replicate some of that by being active on message boards that are targeted to WAHMs.

What is a WAHM job
Mum at home raising chilldren.  All Copyrights Reserved.

This is considered the big daddy of WAHM websites; this site offers a myriad of things for the WAHM.

First are the very active message boards. You might read the forum section that deals specifically with you want to do at home, or what you already do. This is a good way to seek advice, see how others are doing, and get ideas for your business. Other forum areas include message board for home cooks, parenting ideas, and simple “water cooler” talk.

What is a WAHM job status online?

There’s a real emphasis at WAHM on helping moms find the right WAHM environment for them, so there are articles about how to become a WAHM. In the forums, there are also many regular posters who are happy and willing to help out the newbies who have questions about a business endeavor they are considering.

You can read the forums without being a member of the site but will be prompted to register or log in to participate in the forums.

This site also offers a section that has updated WAHM job opportunities.

This site operates in much the same was as But unlike, which offers articles and other resources for the WAHM or mom who wants to work at home, is just a forum site.

Like, there are places to simply chat with other members, and sections of the forum that are work oriented. This is an ideal site to join if you currently work at home doing inbound call work or if that is your interest. There are many sub boards that focus on specific companies and specific projects you might work on for those companies.

Members are happy to help out people who don’t know much about a particular job opportunity and there are even posts from the moderators on how to go about finding the right WAHM job and how to get through application process and do a great job.

There are more than 35,000 members of this site; you must be a member to even access the forums.

If you think you might want to start your own business at home, but you’re not sure exactly what that might be or how to go about doing, it likely has a section that can help.

This friendly and colorful site is full of useful information, from home business kits you can buy to reviews of product and companies by other moms.

As with many sites, however, the heart of the site is the message boards. Here, you can find help with avoiding WAHM scams, and get tips for getting your new business of the ground, from writing press releases to promoting your site.

There are, of course, many more sites that can help you get started working from home, but visit these and you’ll like find that you have a comfortable start.

Check out one of these sites for support, ideas and good “water cooler” gossip.

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