Tag Archives: Things to do

To Do List Failure

To Do List Failure

To Do List failure can be the result of many reasons.  Why To Do list have failed you and millions of others in the  past may be simply because of lack of motivation, interest, priorities or distraction of attention.

To do list failure
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Here are three real example reasons for failure:

  • No organization.

Most people think of to do list and think that they can just slap a bunch of things that need done on paper and that they can check them off as they go.

This is the biggest misconception in getting things done effectively, in fact most people will get less done and be more stressed out from this way of doing things because it’s a mixed up mess of random things that need done!

  • No Structure.

While To Do lists can work if done right, they don’t in most cases because people that use them don’t organize the tasks at hand in a progressive, sequential way that promotes successful achievement.

  • Disassociated View.

To Do lists just don’t motivate you to do what’s listed on them because they don’t give you a mental view of what you will get by doing the task. If you would like to see how to organize a To Do list, structure it and associate a positive view to it to guarantee your results check out this study resource material at Benefits of Time Management. Including a 10 % discount during November 2013.

Watch this YouTube Video on the benefits of time management.

To Do List failure, and Time Management Courses

Maybe you’ve purchased a course at one point in time on how to effectively manage your time or increase your productivity, you are not alone in that, almost all of us have.

But with you and I being Internet Marketers, chances are these courses didn’t apply to our situation and really didn’t help us in any way, why is that?  The Internet moves much quicker and is a much different place to work than your traditional 9-5 job. We have basically no structure as far as what needs to be done when and that conflicts with what most Time Management courses tell us.

I suggest that you stop trying to apply old Time Management techniques to your online business and find a course that goes right along with it. The fact is there hasn’t been one on the market or anywhere for that matter up until now. I came across one that is so amazing that it really can make a world of difference in a home business once the organizational structures are in place and implemented.  The question then is not; Does it work?  But rather can you organize your space and time, to do the tasks set out as priorities for each day, without getting distracted from the goals that need to be met, that is the challenge.

You now have complimentary access to a 10% discount coupon, during this month of November 2013 .  Learn the Benefits of Time management, and apply them to your every day life.